Join the Next Health Nurse Initiative: Celebrate Civility

July 12, 2108

Although we enter the nursing profession to care and advocate for others, nurses are often bullied by patients, visitors, co-workers, and others in the health care setting. 

Consider these startling facts from ANA's Health Risk Appraisal:

  • Almost half of nurses have experienced aggression from a coworker at least once.
  • 39 percent of nurses have been the target of aggression by a superior.
  • More than 40 percent have been threatened by a patient or patient's family member.
  • One in four nurses has been physically assaulted by a patient or a patient's family member while at work.

Bullying, hostility, and violence can cause nurses to suffer physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Starting July 23, for 10 days, Healthy Nurse, Healthy NationTM will share new tips and strategies to help nurses overcome these issues and make lasting positive changes in the workplace. Join now!