Colorado Health Care Policy & Finance: Webinar Person & Family Centered Care

November 28, 2016

Person- and Family-Centered Approach: Creating a Culture of Collaboration with Clients

The Department is hosting a webinar to share our recent successes and challenges and to get your input for the next phase of this work

Over the last three years, the Department has leveraged grant funding from The Colorado Health Foundation (TCHF) to integrate person-centered principles into Department business processes, policies and partnerships. The Department defines a “person-centered approach” as thinking and behaving in ways that respect and value other people’s individual preferences, strengths, and contributions.

In 2012, the Department received grant funding from TCHF and engaged the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care (IPFCC) to evaluate and provide recommendations on how we can be more aligned with principles of patient-and family-centeredness. Following the recommendations of the IPFCC, and with subsequent funding from TCHF in 2014, the Department began to implement the recommendations. As the effort expanded, we developed a client-only Advisory Council, an internal Person-Centeredness Champions group, and a Strategic Plan for person-centeredness to help guide our work and how we provide services.

In March 2016, the Department received a second grant from The Colorado Health Foundation to continue our work improving member and family engagement. This funding will allow us to collaborate with external partners on person- and family-centered practices and projects. This funding also supports the continued work of our Strategic Plan for person- and family-centeredness developed in the first phase of this effort.

Note: This presentation will focus on the Department’s broader person- and family-centeredness accomplishments as supported by a grant from TCHF.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

More Info


Presentation Slides

Person Centeredness Fact Sheet

To register for the webinar, please use the following link:

To participate without a computer, please call 1-877-820-7831 (toll free) or 720-279-0026 and use passcode 116019. Callers will be muted until the Q & A portion of the meeting.