Roles and Responsibilities of Advisory and Network Teams

The Advisory and Networking Teams (ANTs) are formed within the Colorado Nurses Association (CNA) for the purpose of connecting CNA members that possess similar interests regarding populations or specialties represented by registered nurses (RNs).  The goal of these teams is twofold: 1) Networking within specialties and 2) Providing input to the Board of Directors (BOD) and CNA Committees.

The teams are comprised of CNA members in good standing.  Members can self-select to their teams of interest. Each team will elect a Chair responsible for organizing meetings and disseminating information to the CNA BOD and CNA Committees.  A team shall be composed of at least two members in addition to the team chairperson.  There is no maximum limit to team members.

 Membership Criteria

  • Current CNA membership.
  • Interest in the population or specialty within each team.
  • Ability to devote time to regularly scheduled meetings and networking events.


ANT members will:

1. Provide input to the CNA Board on issues currently affecting populations and issues within the team area of specialty.

  • The CNA Board will identify a liaison to the ANT.
  • Periodic Reports will be submitted by the ANT to the Board Liaison. The Board may request special reports or specialty advice from the ANT as needed.
  • Request for resources or other needs will be coordinated by the ANT Chair and the ANT Board Liaison in writing.

2. Consult with nurses in specialty areas and other partners when necessary.

3. Carry out activities that promote networking with nurses that have similar interests.

4. Provide input to CNA Committees (Awards Committee, Bylaws and Reference Committee, Finance Committee, Government Affairs and Public Policy Committee (GAPP), Membership Committee, Nominating Committee) regarding ANT issues and concerns. Committees may identify a Communications Liaison, otherwise the ANT Chairperson will communicate with the Committee Chair.

ANT Chairpersons will:

1. Conduct or designate an individual to conduct all meetings.

2. Collaborate and communicate with the ANT Board Liaison and CNA Committee Chairs or Committee Communications Liaisons.

3. Provide reports to the ANT Board Liaison. 

4. During the legislative season, provide GAPP with input on legislation related to the ANT during the regularly scheduled GAPP meetings, and coordinate requests with the GAPP Communication Liaison.  

5. Will work in collaboration with other members to hold networking events.


Adopted September 2023